Municipal Code
Table of Contents
Title 1 - General Provisions
Title 2 - Administration and Personnel
Title 3 - Revenue and Finance
Title 4 - Reserved
Title 5 - Business Licenses and Regulations
Title 6 - Animals
Title 7 - Health and Sanitation
Title 8 - Human Rights
Title 9 - Reserved
Title 10 - Parks and Recreation
Title 11 - Peace, Morals and Safety
11.04 General Provisions
11.08 Offenses Against Persons
11.12 Offenses Against Property
11.20 Crimes Affecting the Administration of Justice
11.24 Crimes Against Public Morals and Decency
11.28 Offenses Against the Public Peace
11.32 Advertisements and Publications
11.48 Intoxicating Liquor
11.52 Cigarettes (Tobacco)
11.56 Miscellaneous Offenses
11.60 Firearms
Repealed Sections of Title 11
Repealed Sections of 11.04 General Provision
Repealed Sections of 11.08 Offenses Against Person
Repealed Sections of 11.12 Offenses Against Property
Repealed Sections of 11.16 False Signing
Repealed Sections of 11.20 Crimes Affecting the Administration of Justice
Repealed Sections of 11.24 Crimes Against Public Morals and Decency
11.24.010 Adultery. (Repealed)
11.24.020 Indecent Solicitation of a Child. (Repealed)
11.24.030 Lewd and Lascivious Behavior. (Repealed)
11.24.040 Buying Sexual Relations. (Repealed)
11.24.045 Harassment by Telecommunication Device. (Repealed)
11.24.050 Promoting Prostitution. (Repealed)
11.24.060 Selling Sexual Relations. (Repealed)
11.24.070 Sodomy. (Repealed)
11.24.080 Unlawful Transmission of a Visual Depiction of a Child. (Repealed)
11.24.090 Unlawful Possession of a Visual Depiction of a Child. (Repealed)
11.24.100 Use of a Communication Facility to Facilitate Buying Sexual Relations. (Repealed)
11.24.080 Findings of the Governing Body (Repealed).
11.24.090 Definitions (Repealed).
11.24.100 Prohibitions. (Repealed)
11.24.110 Exceptions to Article. (Repealed)
11.24.120 Penalty for Violation of City Ordinances. (Repealed)
11.24.130 Desecration. (Repealed)
11.24.140 Desecrating a Cemetery. (Repealed)
11.24.150 Desecrating a Dead Body. (Repealed)
11.24.155 Criminal Desecration. (Repealed)
11.24.160 Contributing to a Child's Misconduct or Deprivation. (Repealed)
11.24.165 Regulation of Materials Harmful to Minors. (Repealed)
11.24.170 Hypnotic Exhibition. (Repealed)
11.24.180 Promoting Obscenity. (Repealed)
11.24.185 Promoting Obscenity to Minors. (Repealed)
11.24.190 Vagrancy. (Repealed)
11.24.195 Definitions. (Repealed)
Repealed Sections of 11.28 Offenses Against the Public Peace
Repealed Sections of 11.32 Advertisements and Publications
Repealed Sections of 11.36 Animals
Repealed Sections of 11.40 Blocking Aisles
Repealed Sections of 11.44 Gambling
Repealed Sections of 11.48 Intoxicating Liquor
Repealed Sections of 11.52 Cigarettes (Tobacco)
Repealed Sections of 11.56 Miscellaneous Offences
Repealed Sections of 11.60 Firearms
Title 12 - Traffic
Title 13 - Streets and Sidewalks
Title 14 - Reserved
Title 15 - Public Improvements
Title 16 - Buildings and Construction
Title 17 - Reserved
Title 18 - Unified Development Ordinance
Title 19 - Charter Ordinances
Site Design Standards (SDS)
Architectural Design Standards
Mixed-Use Design Standards
Downtown Form-Based Code
