Municipal Code
Table of Contents
Title 1 - General Provisions
Title 2 - Administration and Personnel
Title 3 - Revenue and Finance
Title 4 - Reserved
Title 5 - Business Licenses and Regulations
Title 6 - Animals
Title 7 - Health and Sanitation
Title 8 - Human Rights
Title 9 - Reserved
Title 10 - Parks and Recreation
Title 11 - Peace, Morals and Safety
Title 12 - Traffic
Title 13 - Streets and Sidewalks
Title 14 - Reserved
Title 15 - Public Improvements
Title 16 - Buildings and Construction
Title 17 - Reserved
Title 18 - Unified Development Ordinance
Title 19 - Charter Ordinances
Site Design Standards (SDS)
SDS 2.1 Purpose & Applicable Documents
SDS 3.1 Use of This Document
SDS 3.2 Development Categories
SDS 3.3 Application & Review Process
SDS 3.4 Applicable Standards
SDS 3.5 Variances, Deviations, & Modifications
SDS 3.6 Crime Prevention Standards
SDS 4.1 Preservation of Natural Areas & Cultural Features
SDS 4.2 Protection of Stream Corridors & Wetlands
SDS 4.3 Preservation of Existing Trees & Vegetation
SDS 4.4 Grading & Retaining Walls
SDS 4.5 Stormwater Management
SDS 4.6 Setbacks
SDS 4.7 Pedestrian Access & Circulation
SDS 4.8 Parking
SDS 4.9 Plant Materials
SDS 4.10 Street Trees
SDS 4.11 Site Perimeter Landscaping
SDS 4.12 Site Entryway Landscaping
SDS 4.13 Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping
SDS 4.14 Parking Lot Landscaping
SDS 4.15 Signage
SDS 4.16 Screening
SDS 4.17 Service Compatibility
SDS 5.1 Transitions Between Land Uses
SDS 5.2 Sites At Intersecting Thoroughfares
SDS 5.3 Development Patterns
SDS 5.4 Developments Not Using a Development Pattern
SDS 5.5 Pad Sites
SDS 5.6 Drive-throughs, Canopies, Kiosks, & ATM Structures
SDS 5.7 Site Amenities
SDS 5.8 Walkways Along Buildings & Parking Areas
SDS 5.9 Street Connections: Commercial
SDS 5.10 Vehicle Access & Circulation: Commercial
SDS 5.11 Vehicle Entrances
SDS 5.12 Service Access & Circulation
SDS 5.13 Parking Location & Layout: Commercial
SDS 6.1 Lot Width, Depth, & Orientation
SDS 6.2 Maximum Density
SDS 6.3 Lot Coverage
SDS 6.4 Building Orientation
SDS 6.5 Common Open Space: Area & Type
SDS 6.6 Designed Open Space: Shape & Content
SDS 6.7 Common Open Space: Accessibility
SDS 6.8 Site Amenities: Developments of at Least 3 Acres
SDS 6.9 Site Amenities: Developments of Less than 3 Acres
SDS 6.10 Street Connections: Multi-Family
SDS 6.11 Street Connections: Planned Single-Family
SDS 6.12 Street Connections: Unplanned Single-Family
SDS 6.13 Private Drives & Accessways
SDS 6.14 Vehicle Access & Circulation: Residential
SDS 6.15 Parking Location & Layout: Residential
SDS 6.16 Fencing & Walls
SDS 6.17 Lighting: Residential
SDS 7.1 Pedestrian Realm
SDS 7.2 Incentives
SDS 7.3 Definitions
SDS 7.4 Checklist
Architectural Design Standards
Mixed-Use Design Standards
Downtown Form-Based Code
