Municipal Code
Table of Contents
Title 1 - General Provisions
Title 2 - Administration and Personnel
Title 3 - Revenue and Finance
Title 4 - Reserved
Title 5 - Business Licenses and Regulations
Title 6 - Animals
Title 7 - Health and Sanitation
Title 8 - Human Rights
Title 9 - Reserved
Title 10 - Parks and Recreation
Title 11 - Peace, Morals and Safety
Title 12 - Traffic
Title 13 - Streets and Sidewalks
Title 14 - Reserved
Title 15 - Public Improvements
Title 16 - Buildings and Construction
Title 17 - Reserved
Title 18 - Unified Development Ordinance
Title 19 - Charter Ordinances
Active Charter Ordinances
Inactive Charter Ordinances
Charter Ordinance No. One: (Section 2 repealed by Ch. Ord. No. One-C, Section 4 repealed by Ch. Ord.)
Charter Ordinance No. One-A (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. One-B (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twelve)
Charter Ordinance No. One-C (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twenty-Five)
Charter Ordinance No. Two (Sections 2 and 3 repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Six.; Repealed by Ch. Ord. No,)
Charter Ordinance No. Three (Section 2 repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Forty-Three, Section 3 repealed by C)
Charter Ordinance No. Three-A (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Fifty-Two)
Charter Ordinance No. Four (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Five (Repealed by Ch. Ord. Nos. Fourteen and Fifteen)
Charter Ordinance No. Six (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Nine)
Charter Ordinance No. Seven (Section 2 repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twenty-One)
Charter Ordinance No. Eight (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. 27)
Charter Ordinance No. Nine (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twenty)
Charter Ordinance No. Ten
Charter Ordinance No. Eleven (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. One Hundred)
Charter Ordinance No. Twelve (Section 5 repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twelve-A; Repealed by Ch. Ord. No.)
Charter Ordinance No. Twelve- A (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirteen)
Charter Ordinance No. Thirteen (Section 4 and 5 repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twenty-Eight, Section 6 re)
Charter Ordinance No. Fourteen (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Fifteen)
Charter Ordinance No. Fifteen (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Forty-Five)
Charter Ordinance Sixteen (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventeen
Charter Ordinance No. Eighteen
Charter Ordinance No. Nineteen (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twenty-Eight)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Two)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Two (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Six)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Three (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Twenty-Six)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Four (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Five (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Six (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Three)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Seven (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Three)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Eight (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Thirty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Twenty-Nine
Charter Ordinance No. Thirty (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Forty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Thirty-One (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Sixty-Seven)
Charter Ordinance No. Thirty-Two (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Sixty-Three)
Charter Ordinance No. Thirty-Three (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Seventy-One)
Charter Ordinance No. Thirty-Four (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter ordinance No. Thirty-Five (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Nine)
Charter Ordinance No.Thirty-Six
Charter Ordinance No. Thirty-Eight
Charter Ordinance No. Thirty-Nine (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Forty-Six)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-One (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Nine)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Two (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Seventy)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Three (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Four (Section 2 Amended by Ch. Ord. No. Sixty; Repealed by Ch. Ord. No.)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Five (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Six (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Seventy)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Seven (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Seventy-Seven)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Eight (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Fifty-One)
Charter Ordinance No. Forty-Nine (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Seventy-Six Effective 4/7/2003)
Charter Ordinance No. Fifty (Retired by Committee Action)
Charter Ordinance No. Fifty-One (Section 2 Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Sixty-One; Repealed by Ch. Ord.)
Charter Ordinance No. Fifty-Two
Charter Ordinance No. Fifty-Four (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. 77)
Charter Ordinance No. Fifty-Seven (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Nine)
Charter Ordinance No. Fifty-Eight
Charter Ordinance No. Fifty-Nine (Did not take effect)
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Three)
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-One (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Sixty-Six)
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-Two
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-Three (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Seventy-Two)
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-Four (Repealed by Chapter 204 of the 2005 Session Laws of Kansas, Effect)
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-Five
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-Six
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-Seven
Charter Ordinance No. Sixty-Eight (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Seventy-Eight)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Nine)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-One
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-Two (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-Three (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-Four (Repealed by Chapter 201 of the 2005 Session Laws of Kansas)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-Five (Repealed by Chapter 201 of the 2005 Session Laws of Kansas)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-Six (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-Seven (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Seventy-Eight (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty (Repealed by Charter Ord. No. Eighty-Eight)
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-One (Repealed by Charter Ord. No. Eighty-Four)
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Two (Repealed by Chapter 201 of the 2005 Session Laws of Kansas)
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Three
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Four (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Seven)
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Five
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Six (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Seven)
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Seven (Repealed by Chapter 205 of the 2005 Session Laws of Kansas)
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Eight
Charter Ordinance No. Eighty-Nine (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Seven)
Charter Ordinance No. Ninety-One (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. Ninety-Nine)
Charter Ordinance No. Ninety-Two (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. 94)
Charter Ordinance No. Ninety-Three
Charter Ordinance No. Ninety-Five
Charter Ordinance No. Ninety-Six (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. One Hundred One)
Charter Ordinance No. Ninety-Seven (Repealed by Ch. Ord. No. One Hundred)
Charter Ordinance No. One Hundred One
Charter Ordinance No. One Hundred Four
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Downtown Form-Based Code
