Municipal Code
Table of Contents
Title 1 - General Provisions
Title 2 - Administration and Personnel
Title 3 - Revenue and Finance
Title 4 - Reserved
Title 5 - Business Licenses and Regulations
5.05 Adult Businesses
5.06 Alarm Systems
5.08 Amusement Enterprises
5.12 Cereal Malt Beverages
5.16 Christmas Tree Sales
5.18 Day Care Homes
5.20 Private Clubs, Drinking Establishments, and Caterers
5.22 Common Consumption Areas
5.28 Drive-In Restaurants
5.36 Explosives & Blasting Agents
5.38 Smokeless Propellants, Primers & Black Powder
5.40 Fireworks
5.44 Garage Sales
5.46 Juvenile Dance Halls
5.48 Alcoholic Liquor
5.50 Massage Therapy
5.51 Oil & Gas
5.52 Pawnbroking
5.56 Public Transportation Vehicles
5.60 Sales on Public Rights-of-Way
5.64 Solicitors
5.70 Transient Merchants
5.72 Payday and Title Loan Businesses
5.75 Rental Licensing and Inspection
Repealed Sections of Title 5 - Business Licenses and Regulations
Repealed Sections of 5.53 Scrap Metal
5.04 Business and Occupations Tax. (Repealed)
5.04.010 License Required to Conduct Business. (Repealed)
5.04.020 Definitions. (Repealed)
5.04.030 Exemptions. (Repealed)
5.04.040 Taxes Levied. (Repealed)
5.04.050 Where Several Classifications Apply to a Business. (Repealed)
5.04.060 License Period. (Repealed)
5.04.070 Written Application - Carrying License - Presentation for Inspection. (Repealed)
5.04.080 Licenses Nontransferable - Exception. (Repealed)
5.04.090 Securing License to Cover Period until Next October 1st. (Repealed)
5.04.100 Issuance of License - Signatures - Seal. (Repealed)
5.04.110 Record of Licenses. (Repealed)
5.04.120 Display of License - Carrying License. (Repealed)
5.04.130 Violation of Chapter - Penalty. (Repealed)
5.04.140 Engaging in Business without License - Penalty. (Repealed)
5.04.150 Payment of Fine Does Not Pay Tax - Civil Action. (Repealed)
5.04.160 Automobile Dealers. (Repealed)
5.04.170 Bail Bondsmen. (Repealed)
5.04.180 Banks & Savings & Loans (Repealed)
5.04.190 Barber Shops. (Repealed)
5.04.200 Beauty Shops. (Repealed)
5.04.210 Christmas Tree Sales. (Repealed)
5.04.220 Coin-operated Machine Vendors. (Repealed)
5.04.230 Collecting Agents. (Repealed)
5.04.240 Contractors. (Repealed)
5.04.250 Delivery Men (Repealed)
5.04.260 Detective Agents - Merchant Patrolmen. (Repealed)
5.04.270 Insurance Agents. (Repealed)
5.04.280 Lessors of Property. (Repealed)
5.04.290 Loan and Finance Companies. (Repealed)
5.04.300 Lumber Yards. (Repealed)
5.04.305 Merchant, Transient Or Itinerant. (Repealed)
5.04.306 Exhibition Halls and Convention Centers. (Repealed)
5.04.310 Motels & Hotels. (Repealed)
5.04.320 Moving Picture Houses - Drive-in Theaters. (Repealed)
5.04.330 Nurseries-Greenhouses (Repealed)
5.04.340 Nursery Schools & Child Care. (Repealed)
5.04.350 Nursing Homes-Hospitals. (Repealed)
5.04.360 Real Estate Offices & Brokers.
5.04.370 Recreational, Health and Fitness Facilities - Indoor. (Repealed)
5.04.380 Recreational, Health And Fitness Facilities- Outdoor. (Repealed)
5.04.390 Restaurants - Drive-in Eating Establishments. (Repealed)
5.04.400 Retail Stores (Repealed)
5.04.410 Schools Operated for Profit. (Repealed)
5.04.420 Service Stations. (Repealed)
5.04.425 Stables & Riding Academies. (Repealed)
5.04.430 Bus Companies. (Repealed)
5.04.440 Tree Trimmers. (Repealed)
5.04.450 Miscellaneous Businesses. (Repealed)
5.04.460 Miscellaneous Professions (Repealed)
Repealed Sections of 5.06 Alarm Systems
Repealed Sections of 5.08 Amusement Enterprises
Repealed Sections of 5.12 Cereal Malt Beverages
Repealed Sections of 5.20 Private Clubs, Drinking Establishments and Caterers
5.24 Coin-Operated Amusement Devices (Repealed)
Repealed Sections of 5.28 Drive-In Restaurants
Repealed Sections of 5.36 Explosives & Blasting Agents
Repealed Sections of 5.40 Fireworks
Repealed Sections of 5.48 Alcoholic Liquor
Repealed Sections of 5.50 Massage
Repealed Sections of 5.52 Pawnbroking
Repealed Sections of 5.56 Public Transportation Vehicles
Repealed Sections of 5.60 Sales on Public Rights-of-Way
5.68 Solid Waste Collection and Transportation (Repealed)
Title 6 - Animals
Title 7 - Health and Sanitation
Title 8 - Human Rights
Title 9 - Reserved
Title 10 - Parks and Recreation
Title 11 - Peace, Morals and Safety
Title 12 - Traffic
Title 13 - Streets and Sidewalks
Title 14 - Reserved
Title 15 - Public Improvements
Title 16 - Buildings and Construction
Title 17 - Reserved
Title 18 - Unified Development Ordinance
Title 19 - Charter Ordinances
Site Design Standards (SDS)
Architectural Design Standards
Mixed-Use Design Standards
Downtown Form-Based Code
