Governing Body Policies
Table of Contents
Community Development
Finance, Administration & Economic Development
Legislative Resolutions
Table of Contents By Resolution Number
Affirmative Action Plan (Res. No. 2179)
Bank Depositories (Res. No. 3772)
Bids – Receipt of (Res. No. 4268)
Bond Counsel – Designating for the City: Approving Letter of Engagement (Res. No. 4916)
Bond Counsel – Selection of (Res. No. 3356)
Checks – City Purchase Card Use – Prior to Approval of Expenditures Ordinance (Res. No. 3981)
Establishing Fiscal Policy (Res. No. 4880)
City Manager Authority and Conflicts of Interest (Res. No 4894)
Claims Methods and of Settling (Res. No. 5008)
Commencement Date for Gov. Body Members' Terms of Office And The Date of Election of the Pres. of Council (Res. No. 4633)
Council and Committee Procedures (Res. No. 5011)
Councilmember's Creed (Res. No. 4667)
Deferred Compensation Plan - 457 (B) (Res. No. 2265)
Deferred Compensation Plan - ICMA (Res. No. 4351)
Disposal of Real and Personal Property and Granting the City Manager Authority (Res. No. 4508)
Economic Development - Community Improvement District (Res. No. 4054)
Economic Development – Tax Exemption Incentives (Res. No. 2767)
Economic Development – Tax Increment Financing Incentives (Res. No. 4201)
Economic Development - Transportation Development District (Res. No. 3417)
Economic Development Revenue Bond Projects – tax exemptions Incentives (Res. No. 2765)
Economic Development Revenue Bonds (Res. No. 4251)
Employee Suggestion Award Program (Res. No. 2965)
Fees - Municipal Court (Res. No. 4988)
Flexible Benefit Plan, Dependent Care Assistance Program Health Flexible Spending Agreement (Res. No. 4042)
Green Building Objectives (Resolution No. 5002)
Health Care Benefits – Self Insured (Res. No. 4640)
Health Care Benefits for Retirees, Former Employees and Governing Body Members (Res. No. 4974)
Improvements for Developers – When No city Funds are Involved (Res. No. 2381)
Letters of Credit (Advances of) (Res. No. 3931)
Logo – Authorization, Specification and Procedure of Use (Res. No. 4126)
Membership Dues in Certain Organizations (Res. No. 4956)
Municipal Judge and Municipal Court – Selection of (Res. No. 4977)
Newspapers - Official (Res. No. 4982)
Payroll Deductions from Salaries (Res. No. 3354)
Plural Authority Procedures (Res. No. 5012)
Post – Issuance Tax Compliance Policy For Government Obligation (Res. No. 3980)
Professional Consulting Services (Res. No. 5007)
Public Forum - City Manager Policies (Res. No. 4946)
Public Records – Procedures, records Custodians, Copying Fees (Res. No. 3158)
Retirement Plan - Kansas Police and Firemen’s Retirement System - KP&F (Res. No. 3839)
Retirement Plan - Kansas Public Employees Retirement System - KPERS (Res. No. 0275)
Retirement Plan - Municipal Employees Pension Plan - MEPP (Ord. No. MEP-583,KK Amended and Restated)
Retirement Plan - Overland Park Fire Department (Res. No. 4198) Effective 1/1/2016
Retirement Plan - Overland Park Police Department (Res. No 4197) Effective 1/1/2016
Risk Management Reserve Funds (Res. No. 4364)
Salary and Benefits for the Governing Body (Res. No. 4973)
Sister City Committee (Res. No. 3041)
Special Liability Defense Fund (Res. No. 1689)
Telecommunications and Applications and Fees (Res. No. 3149)
Transient Guest Tax Funds (Res. No. 4688)
Victim Assistance Program - Procedures (Res. No. 4892)
Weekend Intervention Program (Res. No. 2854)
Weekend Intervention Program – Confinement Facility (Res. No. 2926)
Workers Compensation Reserve Fund (Res. No. 2057)
Public Safety
Public Works